
Featured Album: Artist Seungmin Jung’s latest collection ‘Anecdotes’

Seungmin Jung

Today, Jukebox Time is spotlighting the latest album from artist Seungmin Jung. Renowned for his sublime compositions, the artist has unveiled a full-fledged album featuring six tracks titled Anecdotes. It kicks off with Blue, delivering a scintillating vibe right from the start. The transitions are seamless, with arrangements that truly inspire. From the middle of light, an another masterpiece, showcases the evocative nature of his music. Seungmin crafts a mesmerizing tonal realm that defies definition in words. The soul-stirring essence of Acadia is phenomenal, highlighting the profound artistry embedded in his work.

Seungmin Jung

Overall, we’re thoroughly impressed by this release and highly recommend streaming the album on Spotify. It’s also featured on our official Spotify playlist—don’t miss it!

About the artist: Seungmin Jung is a versatile bassist from Seoul, Korea and based in Manhattan, New York. He earned a master degree from the Manhattan School of Music and has taken lessons with ‘Legendary bassist’ Buster Williams, Rogerio Bocatto, John Benitez, and Jinkyo Park.

Official Bandcamp:

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