Tommy HotHands’ new EP, “Delete_”, offers a revealing glimpse into the artist’s soul. Jukebox Time had the chance for an early listen, and the audacity of its musicality left a profound impression. “Hit Delete_” delves into the concept of erasing memories and moments from a past breakup. Tommy HotHands taps into this personal anguish to create an intriguing musical landscape for listeners. The arrangement is strikingly unique, compelling listeners to engage deeply with the track. The vocals, subtle yet powerful, contribute to an overall distinguished atmosphere. Meanwhile, “What It Took_” stands out as a phenomenal piece with its vibrant intro and distinct tonality. Its robust arrangement features a genre-blending prowess that’s a true novelty in today’s music scene.
Delete_ comprises of unique sound signature and a potent tonality that showcases dynamic compositions altogether.
Stream the EP on Spotify now!
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