
Check out Artist Jerome Arp’s new album ‘TRENCH’


Today, we are featuring Jerome Arp’s sensational new album titled “TRENCH”. With a mind-boggling collection of seventeen tracks, the album enthralls the listener. “KEEP IT BUCK” is a short intro track that notifies the listener about the type of journey it entails. “CAPITALIST PIG” is a track that quickly increases the rustic vibe and progresses in a different direction yet provides a wonderful experience. “SAY SO” is a powerful song with an unconventional arrangement. The vocals are arranged fantastically to convey a wonderful message. “SNAKEBIT” has rhythms that will surely captivate the mind. The progression is once again balanced and quite riveting.

“WOE IS THE WORLD” is another track that is short but captivates us with its wavy demeanor. The vocals, Jerome Arp’s signature style, are once again at the forefront. “ON” is a fast-paced track with a mind-bending arrangement. “THAT SHIT’S DEAD” has beats that are cajoling and extremely vibrant. “CUTTHROAT” has a dazzling, subdued synth sound that blends well with the overall melody of the track. However, “DON’T LET IT GO” is a track in which Jerome Arp takes a creative, albeit unusual, trajectory. The syncopated beats and his dynamic delivery completely bring attention to the forefront.

“LOS ANGELES” is a track that has a classic guitar intro and a vocal delivery unlike anything we have heard elsewhere in the album. The transitions, his benchmark, bring varied tonality for listeners. “BLACK JACK MCDOWELL” is another vital track that has mesmerizing guitars and a phenomenal beat structure.

Overall, Jerome Arp has brought an album that we haven’t heard in a long time in the musical realm. His style is unique, his execution even more unusual. But the musical realms he embarks on and makes us experience are quite sensational. The main asset of the album lies in its arrangement, which is quite experimental and vibrant. His vocals are ingrained with rawness and directness that are quite audible in almost every track on the album.

The album is now streaming on Spotify.

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