
Exclusive interview with author Nubian Star

Nubian Star

Jukebox Time got a chance to interview Nubian Star. We got insights into her book, tips for aspiring writers and much more!

Q1. Welcome to Jukebox Time! How are you doing?

Thank you for having me!  I’m doing well!

Q2. Please tell our readers about your book Murder Premonitions.

Murder Premonitions is a story of a young lady named Gina, that has a random nightmare of a woman being kidnapped.  To her surprise that nightmare turns out to actually be a premonition.  Once Gina realized that she is psychically linked to the victim, she makes it her mission to try to save her.

Q3. Any tips for aspiring writers?

My tip is keep reading and writing.  As creatives, we can always be our own worse critics, so keep homing in on your craft, by learning the best ways to write. Study the writers you love to read, as well as the writers that are successful in your genre of interests as well as others.

Q4. Who are your favorite authors and why?

Stephen King is one of my all-time favorite writers because he can create a world with words so immersive you forget you are reading a book.  He was the first author I ever read that absolutely terrified me!  I want to write that well.

Another one of my favorite writers is Ntozake Shange.  She was an amazing poet and playwright whose words changed the way I looked at the power of words completely.  Reading her poems as a teenager, I felt both the power and pain that were housed in the proses she created.  I know that I wanted to write words that were as impactful as hers.

My current favorite writer is Nicholas Sansbury Smith, he is the creator of the Helldivers series and many others.  I really enjoy reading his work because he knows how to create a detailed, fast paced, believable story that gets you hooked from the very first page!

All three of these writers are totally different in style and approach, but they all can create stories and use words masterfully, which is ultimately my goal as a storyteller and writer.

Nubian Star

Q5. What’s next? Which book or project are you working on now?

I am currently working on the sequel to Murder Premonitions.  I am also in the beginning stages of three other story adventures.

Q6. Finally, as we ask all our guests on Jukebox Time, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

The experience of being a newly published author is mind-blowing and surreal!  I have dreamed of this moment for so long, it almost seems unreal!  As nervous as I am, I’m very excited to have the opportunity to share the fruits of my imagination with the world. 

About the author: There are many ways to describe Nubian Star, but none more poignant than the word driven! Nubian Star was born and raised in Milwaukee, WI. Early in her life, she had an affinity to the arts and words. Reading was a way to escape the hardships of growing up in Milwaukee’s inner city. Throughout school, she utilized writing as a way to express herself. She was a four-time state medal winning member of her high school forensics team. Upon graduating high school, she entered the corporate workforce, but her passion for writing continued. She began performing spoken word poetry, where she competed in slams and toured the Midwest with the Rustbelt Team. During her time as a spoken word artist, she wrote two chapbooks, and co-facilitated a poetry workshop for youth at her local Boys & Girls Club.

The book is now available online!

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