Jukebox Time is today featuring artist JoJonatural aka Jovan Morningstar’s new EP. It is titled The Black Heart Chronicles and comprises four tracks Sacrifice, M.M.H, Simulation and Rapture (Remix). The EP starts with Sacrifice which is intriguing with a vibrant intro. Right from the start, JoJonatural coaxes us with his smooth and alluring delivery. His flow is gripping and the wordplay is exceptional which we haven’t heard for a long time in the world of music!
The lyricism in his work is ingrained with reality and stirs the emotions of the listener. His other hit single The Devil’s Voucher had a similar eloquence and a flawless expressive element that we experienced in this EP too.
Overall, the EP is incredible and laden with impeccable melodic tones and lyrics that stun the listener. And therefore, Jukebox Time highly recommends this EP.
The Black Heart Chronicles is currently streaming on all major music streaming platforms including Spotify.
Streaming link: The Black Heart Chronicles