Kayleigh Hughes

Interview with Kayleigh Hughes, Author of ‘Meanwhile…’

Jukebox Time got a chance to interview Kayleigh Hughes in regard to her new book “Meanwhile…”

Q. Welcome to Jukebox Time! How are you doing?

Kayleigh Hughes: Good, thank you.

Q. Please tell us about your wonderful new book “Meanwhile…”

Kayleigh Hughes: It’s the first in a three book series, about a therapist, Samuel, being taken hostage by a woman, Caroline, with a gun. I suppose it begins as a typical hostage situation story, and gradually progresses into a quite in-depth character study, which is ultimately exploring why Caroline is doing what she’s doing to Samuel.

Q. What sort of research you did in order to write this book?

Kayleigh Hughes: I wanted to make it as realistic as I could, and avoid any cliches or tropes of both the therapist profession and hostage situation stories, so I read up quite thoroughly about these wherever I could. I even sought help from a previous therapist of mine, to find out first-hand about an average work day for them. I wasn’t too informed about most of the latter, so it was quite a enlightening experience.

Kayleigh Hughes

Q. Any writing tips you would like to share with all the aspiring writers out there?

Kayleigh Hughes: Keep practicing. Don’t give up. Read as often, and as many different books, as you can, so as to familiarise yourself with different writing styles. Make sure you have your main plot points outlined. Take on board any (and I mean any) feedback you receive – get at least one other set of eyes to read your work, regardless of what number draft it is, because it will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a writer – be it dialogue or characterisation – and help you to hone your craft. Try not to edit as you go along. The biggest one: just write.

Q. What’s next? Which book are you working on now?

Kayleigh Hughes: Meanwhile… II.

Q. Finally, as we ask all our guests on Jukebox Time, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

Kayleigh Hughes: If we didn’t laugh, we would cry. Thank you for this opportunity, and best wishes.

About the author: Kayleigh Hughes first discovered her passion for writing stories in her teens, them being mainly drama, thriller, with the occasional bit of comedy. She is the author of the first part of the Meanwhile… series, with the second and third currently in the works. When not immersed in her characters and their worlds, she is absorbing yet another piece of film or television trivia, or jamming on the guitar and bass. 

Book description: It’s one bad day for Samuel Manson and Caroline Cleaver – Samuel’s running late with a train to catch, while Caroline has a score to settle. Placed together in a compromising situation, how long will it be before either one cracks?

The book is currently available on Amazon!

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