
Interview with Medina, Author of “Self-Care Sucks”


Jukebox Time got a chance to interview Author Medina in regard to her new book Self-Care Sucks. We got insights into her book, her source of motivation and much more!

Q1. Welcome to Jukebox Time! How are you doing?

I am doing well!

Q2. Please tell our readers about your book Self-Care Sucks. The title itself is captivating!

Yes! In my book “Self-Care Sucks” I go into why the modern definition of self-care is really getting in the way of us making self-care a priority. I challenge what is the true definition of self-care on a deeper level, which helps my reader figure how to improve their self-care habits in their own terms.

Q3. What motivated you to write this book?

My own journey as a maturing and developing wife, mom and business owner. I went on my own journey of figuring out what type of self-care works for me in my current phase of life.

MedinaQ4. Any writing mantra or daily ritual that you follow in order to stay creative?

I like to use my experiences as a inspiration to write.

Q5. What’s next? Which book or project are you working on now?

Yes! I plan on publishing another book this spring and fall. 🙂

Q6. Finally, as we ask all our guests on Jukebox Time, do you have any closing thoughts that you would like to share with the world and our readers?

I would like to thank those who support me and believe in me! It gives me the push I need to live in my purpose.

After graduating with my degree, I used my knowledge to open my own private practice focused on helping with common issues faced during pregnancy, and postpartum such as lower back pain and more. In 2022, I also won the “Good Heart” award from “The Shades of Blue Project” during the black maternal week for my work in my community. I then wanted a creative outlet where I can share my experience and my knowledge from over the years from working with more than 300 women during phases of their lives. I hope to continue to write novels that not only feed the soul but also that can inspire others.” – Medina.

The book is now available on Amazon!

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